Thursday, September 23, 2010

Happy First Month!

Well it has officially been one month!! My family gave me a painted ceramic E and a stuffed animal flower thing. They were beautiful gifts. Today we celebrated and I bought a cake for my family! I can't believe I still have three more. It has been a long first month and I feel like I have already learned so much, its incredible. I have experienced so much in just month. I have had my life changed and eyes opened in just one month. This week was good. I had my first exam today in my history class and I think I did really well! I was very nervous and studied very hard but I feel confident. Nothing very eventful happened this week. Monday was typical, Tuesday went to a cafe and watched a famous Nicaraguan film. Very good film! Wednesday, school and studying for exam then today took an exam, received a PACKAGE! Huge thanks to the Coffey's! It made my day. Then tomorrow no classes and this weekend we return to Nueva Suyapa, a poor area of Tegucigalpa and we stay with a family and attend church. There are no bathrooms (only outhouses) and no running water. It will be a growing experience for sure. Overall, normal week. Not feeling too homesick, not feeling too much culture shock. Trying to stay in touch with friends at Calvin and back home and of course family. I will be sure to keep updating the blog. Keep emailing and sending love : )


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