Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Amapala y El dia de Independencia

         Ay what a wonderful weekend and week so far! Since I last wrote, I talked about the history class that I am taking in the Pedagogica. Well I love the class. I am getting to know lots of new people in the University. There is a fair amount of homework but nothing too overwhelming. The professor is very very funny, even if she is speaking a hundred miles an hour and I am not catching all of it. She has strong opinions about US relations and Honduras and enjoys sharing those opinions but always looks at me and the other Calvin girl in the class and says  in a thick accent ¨no offense.¨ We dont mind, its nice to hear a different perspective. She loves throwing in random english words throughout the class to liven things up haha. Well last weekend I went to amapala, which is a volcanic island on the west coast. It is beautiful and I love the WARM ocean! A group of ten of us arrived 12 30 on Friday and by 1 30 we were out on the beach seeing an underwater cave, very cool but way too many bats for me to enter. I swam even though the water was a bit murky and dirty. It was still the ocean. Then I spent the rest of the day lying in a hammock watching kids playing and napping. It was surreal. Welcome to the life of studying abroad haha. Next day we climbed the volcano which in total took 7 hours. The guide who wanted to take us was around 80 so we went at a slower pace. It was all worth it at the top. WHen we returned we all napped!! Then ate dinner and went out for ice cream and danced a little.
         I returned Sunday to a load of homework! I had two oral presentations this week. One Monday about the Incas which went well I thought. I had a great group to work with. Then Tuesday had a speech about a man named Cabeza de Vaca (Cow head) pleasant name huh... that went well my partner and I performed a drama which got a lot of laughs and I am more sure than ever I am to be an actress haha. But yes I have been very very busy and have not had access to internet but I guess that is a part of the experience. Well today is a day of festivals because it the Honduran Independance day!! and tomorrow is Mexico!! So we are going to have a great day! I will be sure to write later. Love and miss you all!!


1 comment:

  1. it's Guatemala's independence day too! :)
    Happy independence day to your patria tomorrow.
    I am so glad to hear from you. I love you.
