Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Cusuna y Clases

I was able to use internet today! Lets see last week was the week we went to Nueva Suyapa and Cusuna. Nueva Suyapa is a pooor barrio in Honduras with no electricity or running water. The woman there have joined together and they grow crops and harvest them and sell some and keep some to provide for their families. It was amazing to see these woman come together while their husbands are away working in the city. The woman are proud of their work and love their comunity. It was ablessing to be a part of their lives for one day. Even if it meant climbing a mountain to see them ;) We went to their houses and they showed us their crops and we ate a delicious lunch prepared by the woman!! They are an example to woman everywhere. Afterwards we took an 11 hour bus trip to Cusuna to see the african honurans (Garifunas). they are a racially mixed community and experience a lot of discrimanation because of it. There we learned about their culture and they performed traditional dances which were beautiful. The hardezt trhing there was to sit down at every meal and have children and other people watching us eat from the windows while we ate like kings and half of the time people did not finish their food and it would go to the trash. It was painful for me to see this. We had tons of water and food, while others would watch us. Also tons of people were getting sick because of the heat! fainting and vomiting occured regularly : ( I think it was hard for people to adjust to te living conditions, it was hot no electricity or running water and very little resources and bathrooms. I had a cold but overall I was fine. But in my room there were 2 scorpians and 1 tarantula!! ahhh anyways We swam in the Caribean Ocean! ohhh the water was wonderful, only when there werent a lot of jellyfish. Sunday we went to a garifuna church and sang and danced and we did a presentation of some English church songs we sing. The people loved it!! Together we all sang Lord I lift your name on HIgh in English and Spanish. it was wonderful. Oh and we went to church in a boat a very small canoe like boat with a motor. It was very fun! The best moment was when I was playing soccer on the beach with the garifunas and we had to take a pen alty kick and I took it and  I scored!!! everyone surounded me and there was clapping and cheering, ah it was a glorious moment.Now we are back in classes in the University because the teachers have reached an agreement with the government. We have exams friday for our summer classes and then we start University classes! Im very excited. Alright well life is good and God is good. Until the next time!


1 comment:

  1. love your post, but I am surprised that you had a 11 hours bus ride, because Honduras is so small!
