Monday, September 6, 2010

Dios es bueno: todo el tiempo

Last week was a great week. We finished up summer classes with a final exam Friday and then one more final today. Over the weekend we celebrated a birthday of one of the students on the trip. We went salsa dancing! Very fun and we were safe. I went shopping with the females in my family, which was different because Im not used to having a sister and mother who "enjoy" shopping. haha Then Sunday was church. We had a wonderful service. Then, we watched the big game of Olimpia vs Motagua. Not at the stadium because we blew a tire and the pick up isnt working. I played soccer on the field next to my house anyways with some amazing kids in my neighborhood. Joselyn is 10  and loves soccer and javi is 10 he loves being keeper and is quite funny when he dives!! Jese is 12 and plays very well. Although they all think I am the best haha. They tell me I dance around them with the ball when really they are beating me!! but thats why I like hanging out with them haha Well, I started my spanish 308/309 class. I love the professor she is very flexible with the schedule and she likes working with the students to see what they want out of class. We are starting to learn about the aztecs and mayans and incas. Its very very interesting and I know my mom would love it because we are reading about archaeology. We do have oral presentations next week already! mine is on the Incas and we have to come to class prepared to talk about anything for the oral presentation. The teacher is just going to say "you go first, then you, then you." We have to everything about our topic, but she seems to be very nice and will hopefully be a kind grader : ) I start my class in the University tomorrow with the other university students. Im nervous but it should be alright. I am looking a taking a history of the americas class because the other communication/education class is on thursday and fridays and on fridays we are often traveling. So this history class will be mon-thurs 8am to 9am. One other girl is taking the class with me which is nice. We shall see how it goes! Food is good, school is good, and God is always good. I am very blessed and I realize it more and more everyday. I thank God for all the people in my life and for my everything. I cannot wait to see how much better this trip will get if it can get any better : )


  1. Viva los mayas y los aztecas,abajo los incas!

  2. I am so glad you are having a good time! I miss you over here.
