Sunday, October 31, 2010


Well last week was the recuperation week from coming back from Nicaragua. It was getting back into the swing of things like SCHOOL. But it was smooth sailing. We received grades and I seem to be keeping up well enough. The big event was Thursday when some Calvin people came. One of them is a friend; he is the boyfriend of my RA from last year. So it was really nice to see her so happy! The sad news is that our director Pablo couldn’t be there Thursday because his mother was being operated on. She is fine now. Also, on Thursday night I started getting sick and all last weekend I had been sick. I went to the doctor and I had dysentery. Took lots of meds and had 5 shots. But I am recuperating. This weekend we went to a beautiful place called los pinos and stayed a nature preserve place that was beautiful. It was nice to get away from the hussle and bussle of the city. And I did all my regustration! Things are looking good. Other than that I am enjoying this adventure. I love the weather, the heat and the sun. My family takes great care of me and I learn new things every day. This weekend we start our 10 day break where I will be taking a road trip around Honduras visiting many beaches and relaxing! Hope all is well wherever you are. 

Also I have heard that my posts have been appearing in spanish. I am not sure why that is and I assure you I am writting in English haha.



  1. Thats right my bf came to visit! It WAS good to see him!

  2. I knew your spanish wasn't that bad! it's the internet translating your posts, right?!
    i miss you. i'm sad to hear you were sick. i hope you continue to get better.
    i love you!
