Monday, November 22, 2010


The Saturday after vacations I went to the concert of my favorite Christian group here in Tegucigalpa called Tercer Cielo!! I went with my Honduran sister and cousin and had so much fun. We danced, screamed, and laughed a lot. It was one of the best concerts I have ever been to. Good company makes a concert great. This past week was the reuniting of the group after a week of amazing vacations. Full of projects and now time is winding down so we have a lot of final presentations, essays, and exams! So this weekend to remind myself of why I’m here for the experience and not my grades, I went to a rural community and then had a road trip day. I spent Friday and Saturday in a community called Nueva Suyapa it is one the poorest and most dangerous communities because of the gang violence, but ASJ a social justice group has been doing great things and has been making a great impact in the community. Spent the night with a wonderful family and meet their whole family which just happened to be all the neighbors. Then I went to a presentation in the reformed church there in Nueva Suyapa. Lots of talent! The best part of my weekend was Sunday when I was reunited with my old babysitter who lives here in Honduras. Phanie, Alison and I (with Phanie’s family) went to Paraíso and some other cities and in Paraíso I was reunited with Petrona Alvarado and her three kids and husband. She took care of my brothers and I when we were very young and the night before I left to Paraíso she called and I got her address so I could go visit. I think I spent a good hour just talking and catching up. She showed me pictures of us and spent a lot of time just staring at me in amazement. I couldn’t believe it either. She said everything has a purpose and there is no such thing as coincidence. I was so filled there talking with all of them, I was so happy. It was the Holy Spirit moving in me and in our relationship. Two of her kids live in Tegucigalpa and attend Universities here; they’re going to come visit me! Her daughter spends a lot of time in my colonia! Saying goodbye was hard and I received lots of hugs and kisses, even a beautiful gift of jewelry. Petro gave me huge hug that lasted practically 5 minutes. I know now that we’re in contact that it wasn’t goodbye like last time when we dropped her off at the airport. I will see her again and her family too! Also, this week we celebrate THANKSGIVING. Very excited to eat some turkey and stuffing. Looks like another great week ahead of me. I am just trying to enjoy and take advantage of the little time I have left. So thankful for everything this week and especially that I could reunite with Petrona. She still calls me “mena.” It was a very special moment for me. I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving. I think we all have a lot to be thankful for.    

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