Sunday, August 15, 2010

Letters and Packages

Well I now have technically three days left and I am very excited. I found some useful information that I thought I would share with all of you:

If any of you were interested in sending letters or packages the address you can send it to is

Apdo 30676
Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Central America

Also, I wouldn't recommend sending packages because they can be very expensive and are often delayed for months, my leader said  manila envelopes are better.

And the last thing I wanted to mention was the time difference ( for all those skype-lovers out there), when Michigan is on daylight savings Honduras is 2 hours behind. After October there is only a one hour time difference, which isn't so bad!
with love love love


  1. nice background....nerd :)
    im going to miss you so much! but you are going to love it. cant wait to read all about it

  2. I am going to miss you. You know you are another sister to me :) I look forward to reading your blogs and know that I will continue to pray for you during your trip. I love you.

    -Your favorite A girl ;)
