Monday, August 23, 2010

Internet Finally

Well I finally made it to an internet cafe, which is good news! My house does not have internet. I have a family who is on the lower middle class scale. We have water though! and tv, we watch it a lot! I am enjoying myself here. I love the food, even if it isn´t spicy! my family is so kind and I have a ton of fun withmy briother Carlos (12) we play soccer a lot and videogames. My sister Stefany and i talk a lot about the US and Honduras and scghool and her boy troubles : ) School is a bit sary at times. We were caught in the middle of a demostration our third day here! lots of teargas and running but we all made it out safe. We had our first day of summer classes today and it was very interesting...we had to leave the University half way though class for safety reasons and went to another classroom that was safer where we continued our learning. Today was all about the history of Honduras, I felt better about being in this country after learning the history. We learn a lot from our history. So far I love it. The thing I like the least is that I walk 40 minutes to class everyday but hey its exercise! and I have four friend who make the journey with me. I cannot wait for this weekend when we go see los garifunas who live in Honduras and have a whole other culture of their own! there will be beach tooooo. Miss you all very much


Sunday, August 15, 2010

Letters and Packages

Well I now have technically three days left and I am very excited. I found some useful information that I thought I would share with all of you:

If any of you were interested in sending letters or packages the address you can send it to is

Apdo 30676
Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Central America

Also, I wouldn't recommend sending packages because they can be very expensive and are often delayed for months, my leader said  manila envelopes are better.

And the last thing I wanted to mention was the time difference ( for all those skype-lovers out there), when Michigan is on daylight savings Honduras is 2 hours behind. After October there is only a one hour time difference, which isn't so bad!
with love love love